It’s the holiday season and there’s no better time to consume chocolate and coffee together. Lately I’ve been following a couple of Australian foodies on Instagram and I came across a magnificent mocha served by Cavalier Specialty Coffee in Sydney. Apparently their seasonal menu revolves around truffles, and they ingeniously thought to offer truffle hot chocolate and truffle mocha drinks. Australia is of course on my list of dream destinations, but I don’t imagine being able to go any time soon. Not soon enough for this burnin’ appetite anyway.

How to Make Mocha with Fresh Black Truffles
So guess what? That’s right, I decided to make it myself.
Lucky for lil’ old me, Whole Foods happened to be selling jarred winter black truffles, and I was fixated with getting my hands on them. What resulted was a dream come true. I don’t know how Cavalier’s truffle drinks taste, but for now I know I’ll be enjoying this homemade concoction through the end of the holidays.

If you’ve ever had truffles in your food, you can probably imagine this coffee would have a rich, full bodied, almost royal taste. Truffles (the thing that chocolate ganache truffles are named after), a mushroom, is highly prized due to its extreme scarcity. It is a natural product and cannot be farmed. A few pounds of this stuff can go for tens of thousands of U.S. dollars. Needless to say, it is artisanal as heck.
At Whole Foods, these La Rustichella truffles are refrigerated near the cheese section and goes for about $20 a jar. It goes a long way, as you’ll only need a bit of truffle for each recipe that you make. You can buy it, make some delicious mocha, shave it onto your pasta, and preserve it by making truffle butter – queue Nicki Minaj, my spirit animal.
For the chocolate part of the drink, I highly recommend Valrhona chocolates, also available at Whole Foods. It’s the brand of chocolate that most chocolatiers use in their candies – smooth, pure, and tastes great!

How to Make Mocha with Fresh Black Truffles
Enjoy this and your holiday season, and remember to follow us on social media for the latest recipes and ramblings about the coffee, tea, juice, and bubble tea world!
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How to Make Mocha with Fresh Black Truffles
- Medium roast coffee 1/2 ounce (I used Philz Tesora blend)
- Water 8 ounces
- Slivers of fresh black truffles, a few slivers
- Milk 4 ounces
- Valrhona chocolates 3 tablespoons
- In a mason jar, add milk and black truffle slivers to infuse the milk for at least 6 hours. If you are in a hurry, instead of infusing over a long amount of time, simmer milk and truffles over low-medium heat for a couple of minutes.
- Make 8 ounces of coffee. I used the Chemex method. This is one of the drip methods and results in extra smooo-oo-oooth coffee. Get these paper filters for it.
- Melt Valrhona chocolates using the double boiler method - chocolates in a heat safe bowl over sitting atop a pot of boiling water.
- Stir the milk into the chocolates.
- Steam the milk mixture if possible.
- Pour the milk mixture over your coffee.
- Enjoy!
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